Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Brenda

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

Staying with the international theme we are heading down under to the outback of New South Wales, Australia! My next guest, Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Brenda lives there with her husband, is 41 years old, doesn’t have a Twitter account, but has started blogging a diary of her thoughts, trials, and tribulations while learning to ride her bike, The White Shadow Diary. Welcome Brenda!

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Brenda

How long have you been riding a motorcycle?

Five months

How did you learn to ride?

I learned to ride with the assistance of my wonderful husband after having ridden a scooter for about 18 months commuting to work. There is no rider training available close to the outback town where I live in so I never had to do the compulsory training that is needed to get your learners permit.

I am going to travel and do the training to get my full license even though I also don’t legally have to do it. That’s happening in a couple of days. I’m so excited! I believe the training is necessary and it annoys me that there’s none available here.

What was your first motorcycle?

Honda Shadow VT400c

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Brenda

How many have you owned?

One, and one scooter

Why did you want to ride a motorcycle?

I had wanted to ride since I was about 8 years old and my big brother got his first motorbike, when I got to about 16 yo. I talked a mate into teaching me to ride his bike, I got on, let go of the clutch and hit the throttle, took that baby bike over the curb and dropped her in the dirt. I felt so bad about it, I didn’t do much damage, just a bent clutch and a few scratches, if I remember correctly.

But I decided that I was just too short and small to ride a bike. So I made do with getting on the back with anyone who would let me for the next 20 years or so. It was my husband who really gave me the courage to give it a go, he could never see any reason anyone can’t do anything they want to do.

So I bought my scooter at age 39 and loved it. It wasn’t enough though so after about a year of that I decided a bike was a must! Why? Because I love riding! And because I love my husband and want to share everything with him, I talked him into buying his first bike about in 25 years. I know he’s glad I did.

Tell us about your riding.

I commute to work most days, and drag my husband out for rides on weekends whenever I can.

What advice do you have for women who ride or want to ride a motorcycle?

There is nothing you can’t do if you really want to do it. Go with your gut feeling and get the bike you like, don’t let anyone else tell you what is right for you, only you can know that.

What is the longest trip that you’ve taken on your cycle?

The longest trip so far is only about 450 km, but I did get to ride round a race track that day so that was exciting (even if I was going noob slow round the hairpins).

My husband and I are planning to do a big trip in three weeks, to Queensland and round the place when we get up there, approximately 1000 km each way plus whatever we end up doing while we’re up there.

Do you belong to any motorcycle groups?

I am a member of the Shadow Riders Australia. I found them though their forum, they are a small group (about 200 members) of shadow riders who are located all across Australia, so I’ve only ridden with two people so far.

But I get to pick their brains often on the forums. I’ve never ridden with a large group of people, I dont think I’d like to, though I love riding with my husband.

Do you have a favorite riding story?

Gee every day I go for a ride is a favorite riding story, it’s still all so shiny and exciting to me. So no nothing really stands out but I have plenty of riding ahead of me to gather up those stories.

What do you do when you’re not riding?

I’m a nurse and I work at the blood bank, the people I meet every day are all wonderful selfless people who are giving the ultimate for others, their blood.

It makes work a wonderful thing for me. Other than that I’m a bit of a loner and just love curling up with a good book, watching a good movie or going out for a good meal with my husband.

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Brenda and her motorcycle
Brenda says, ” the reason I have no hair, is because I shaved it off in a fund raising event to raise money for kids with leukemia and their families. I’m not bald normally :)”

Thank you for stopping by Helmet or Heels female motorcycle community! And for reading Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Brenda. I am always looking for more stories like your adventure into riding. Your experience, knowledge, and insight will encourage women in their motorcycling journey! Fill out the contact form and let’s connect!

Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels, Pinterest @helmetorheels or Twitter @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!

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5 Responses

  1. Hi, Brenda! It looks like that bike is a perfect fit for you. Enjoy your long trip to Queensland!

  2. Nice to meet your Brenda. I have been following your blog for a little while now and I’ve enjoyed your posts.

    I am glad that your husband encouraged you to get riding. Isn’t it nice to have a supportive husband? They make the best riding partners too.

    Kudos to you for shaving your hair for the fundraiser. I don’t know many people that selfless. Definitely a noble cause.

  3. Thanks Toadmama I know I will enjoy my trip, and yep my bike is perfect for me, as I realised after hiring one for my license training day.

    Has been nice to meet you too Trobairitz, I’ve been checking out your blog for about as long as you’ve been checking out mine 🙂 I think I’m getting a better read!

    Yeah the best riding partner is my husband!

    Ta for the kudos, but I think the people who most deserve it are the ones who supported me and the charity by sponsoring me, the only hardship on my part was a bit of a cold head for a while, the feeling of the wind on my head and the savings on shampoo more than made up for that 😀

    Pam, thanks for making me famous for a day! And ta for your time and effort in posting all these wonderful profiles. I know being a new rider I’m getting a lot out of meeting other women who love bikes.

    Cheers Brenda

  4. Nice to meet you Brenda! I ride an older model Shadow VT500c (1985) love my bike, been riding for about 16 months, started on a small 50cc scooter, decided like you I needed more cc’s for range. I took a full motorcycle course last October & haven’t looked back. I drag my hub out for rides too, don’t have to drag too are though. Enjoy your lovely bike!

  5. Hi Brenda! I’m gonna have to check out your blog too! There sure are some great riders on this blog and when they donate their hair to help kids with cancer, it’s even better yet! Nice to meet you!

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