Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Penny

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

Pulling it back to the states with this next profile. My next guest Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Penny from Cambridge, MN. She is probably the first lady rider I met in person — I know I live a sheltered life.

I remember watching Penny and her husband, each on their own bikes, pull out of a church parking lot – it was jaw dropping experience for me! I don’t know that it ever registered in my brain that I could ride too. I’m a little slow. Enough about me, friends meet Penny!

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Penny

How long have you been riding a motorcycle?

Nine years

How did you learn to ride? 

First the hard way-bought a bike and had my husband help me and then I took a class and got my license-that was the smartest thing as I learned tips that made riding much easier.

What was your first motorcycle?

2003 Suzuki Volusia Intruder

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Penny
Penny’s 2003 Suzuki Volusia Intruder

How many have you owned?

Just one still have my first bike.

Why did you want to ride a motorcycle?

Was riding with the group from Open Door and saw all these women riding and said hey I would like to do that and the next thing you know I had a bike!

Tell us about your riding.

Like to ride to work when I can. It’s something me and my husband love doing together–just go out for a quick ride or take the bikes pack ‘em up and go for a few days.

What advice do you have for women who ride or want to ride a motorcycle? 

Take the class to get your license and get a bike that if comfortable in height and weight–take your husband’s advice when they suggest a back rest and highway pegs–LOVE THEM!

What is the longest trip that you’ve taken on your motorcycle?

To The Dells but we took the long way and took two days to get there.

Do you belong to any motorcycle groups?

Just moved so no groups yet but will be riding with New Hope Community Church group here in Cambridge, MN.

Do you have a favorite riding story?

I guess just a couple weeks ago each of us had a grandson on the back of a bike. They were quite excited and when we were done with the ride-we asked Carter our oldest if he had fun and all he said was, “Words Can’t Express!!” Guess that sums up a good ride!

What do you do when you’re not riding?

Enjoy fellowship, church at New Hope and the Fish House in Cambridge, gardening, canning and even taking care of the chickens–love living out in the country–so much faster to the roads where there are no cars.

@helmetorheels blogger Pam

Pam here, and I’m so delighted you came by today and read Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Penny. I started this blog to chronicle my introduction to riding a motorcycle, but as I went along, I met so many other female riders who had wonderful tales to share that I started sharing theirs as well.

I joined Twitter (@helmetorheels) at the same time I launched this blog and started networking with other female motorcycle riders. I met other rookies to lifelong seasoned riders who were willing to provide encouragement, advice, and their relationship with me, which is why these women were so motivating to me. Wherever I was on my journey, I was welcomed. What a wonderful community I discovered online to fuel my passion for riding.

Follow us on Pinterest @helmetorheels and Instagram @helmetorheels because we are just getting started!

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3 Responses

  1. Hi Penny! That’s quite a ride for a first bike! I love your grandson’s comment about the ride! I’m a gardener type country girl as well!

  2. Hello Penny.

    Beautiful bike. I bet you that is smooth on those back country roads.

    I like that you are taking the grandkids out on the bikes. Get them started with the passion early.

  3. Penny-
    Gorgeous bike! Another country gal here…nothing like riding out on the backroads!

    Been interested in the Dells…thanks for the link!


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