Sign-up for class: Check. Helmet: Check. I needed a helmet for my motorcycle basic skills class so my hubby took me shopping and I found one! I learned a lot during the process. Let me tell you. First of all, I found out that my hair does not do well when I put on and take off a helmet.
Sign-up for class: Check. Helmet: Check.
Not an important issue but one I’ll eventually need a solution for. I do think growing it out so I can get it into a pony tail maybe one answer, but may take awhile to get there!
I started trying on helmets. I thought I was doing well until the sales gal Amber said the helmets I was trying on were too big! What?! I could hardly get my head in the helmet.
Helmet Size and Fit
Amber came over and grabbed either side of it and wiggled the helmet on my head. She explained that it is not a good fit. There should be no wiggle room. Off with this one and I squeezed into a smaller size.
Oh my. It was tight. Amber grabbed this one and tried to wiggle it. Different experience this time, my face moved with it and received her nod of approval! That’s the kind of fit I need to find she said.
She also showed me a few different styles of helmets and made it clear that her preference was the full-face models. Amber’s argument though gruesome was effective to sway me to decide to get the full-faced style.
Another feature she said to look for was intake and exhaust vents as well as removable/washable cheek pads. And of course, it had to be DOT approved. Prices ranged from $60 and up to several hundred.
I tried on several helmets before landing on one I was comfortable wearing and fit snuggly. I picked a sleek black full-face helmet (similar to the picture below) with intake and exhaust vents! Amber gave it the once over checking the fit before I received her stamp of approval.
Victory! My class is in 37 days and I’m one step closer to being ready!
Thank you for stopping by and reading, Sign-up for class: Check. Helmet: Check. Ladies, whether you are looking to start riding solo, a casual motorcyclist, a seasoned rider, or enjoying riding pillion you are all welcome to join in the Helmet or Heels community. I would love to share your story of motorcycling no matter where you are on the journey. It will inspire other women along the way.

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3 Responses
Well, at least black is always “in”
srsly? intake and exhaust vents… i never woulda thunk it.
Very cool! I have to admit being partial to full-face ones. I had an incident (single-vehicle due to a combination of me letting my attention lapse, and unfamiliar roads at night) last fall where my full-face helmet meant I walked away rather than spending the evening in the ER. You can probably guess what I bought to replace that helmet.