I was thinking back to my youth and remembered listening to song over and over and over again.
We Are Women
After playing it today I was reminded of all the women that have shared their stories in my Profile of a Female Motorcyclist series and my heart melted. What a group of incredible women who have faced many challenges and survived, no THRIVED!!
If you are new to the blog check out the category on the right titled, “Lady Riders” and learn about some great women. What makes them fabulous is who they are, great or small, iron butts or scooterists, single or married! They all face life with a contagious enthusiasm and joy.
So what’s missing from these profiles? It is your story. I’ve had a few women tell me their story is boring, but afterwards they agree they have a voice and something to say. What about your story on how you got on two wheels? I’d love to share it. Let’s add your piece to this mosaic of female motorcyclist!
We are women hear us roar!

Ladies, whether you are looking to start riding solo, a casual motorcyclist, a seasoned rider, or enjoying riding pillion you are all welcome to join in the Helmet or Heels community. I would love to share your story of motorcycling no matter where you are on the journey. It will inspire other women along the way.
Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels, Pinterest @helmetorheels or Twitter @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!
8 Responses
Having only learned this past April, and only having a literal handful of short rides under my belt, I’d love to read about more rider gals!
Whenever you are ready to share your story let me know! I’d love to feature it here. Thanks!!
Hooray for you Pam and your continued dedication to bringing light to the female rider.
Oh and I always enjoy Helen Reddy songs, so thank you for the link.
Thank you for all your support!
Helen has always held a special place in my heart!
This has to be the most inspirational series I have read so far on a Blog Pam, thankyou for your hard work bringing all these wonderful women and thier stories to light. I know I wouldnt have found so many blogs to read if it wasnt for you so thanks for that too.
Godlessnurse, I thought the same when Pam first asked me to join in, and I’d only been riding for a few short months, but I soon discovered that I did have something to say and it was fun. So if you wanna then hey just do it 🙂
You are very kind! I’m lovin’ all the blogs too. Some days it’s hard to keep up, but I eventually go read them.
Hi Pam! Will I date myself to say that I’ve never heard the song before? But I really enjoyed it!! (I wasn’t much into music when I was growing up.). It is an excellent song to go along with your series. Thank you!!
We just arrived home from the Multiple Sclerosis charity ride where we were marshals. It was a WONDERFUL weekend!!
Lori – Yay! On the wonderful weekend. You must be just a kid if you don’t remember Helen Reddy! I graduated HS in ’75.