What does a woman rider look like?

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

What does a woman rider look like?

I love telling people that I have a motorcycle endorsement and I ride a 750 Nighthawk. There’s quite a gamut of responses I get, but the one that bugs me the most is, “You don’t look like a motorcyclist.” What the …

What Does A Woman Rider Look Like?

So what does a woman rider look like? Ladies, can you help? I want to get a collection of pictures {with or without your motorcycle} of women riders and then post a collage. Can you help me?

If you’d like to be a part of my women rider’s collage send email me your picture to pam@helmetorheels.com. Please include any information you’d like added to the picture like your name, Twitter, and/or blog url. Send them by next Sunday, May 29. I can’t wait to see what all us lady riders look like!

Ride safe!

Update 5/30: I’ve posted the collage here!

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31 Responses

  1. People saying that are not very smart I guess. I work at a software company, and some of the nerds in the office ride pretty cool bikes, but you wouldn’t know if you saw them at their desks.

    It’s hard to tell a biker without his bike.

  2. I got that one a few times, too – “You don’t look like a biker.” I just smiled and said, “Well, I’m a biker, so this is what at least ONE OF THEM looks like.” 🙂 I’ll send you a photo, neat idea!

  3. The Evil Overlord and I used to hear a similar statement. “You guys don’t look like truckers.” Only in our case, we always liked hearing it because most people stereotype truckers as scuzzy, fat, and smelly. Some of them are, but most of us aren’t.

    Same goes with bikers. We riders will never outlive the stereotype saying that we should have tattoos and leather chaps. I say you should just go with it. I can see you with a big tattoo on your arm that says, “Mom.”

    If you’re going to make a collage of these pictures, you might want to go to http://www.shapecollage.com/features.html and check out ShapeCollage. It’s free for personal use and the final product looks pretty dang cool. Hope you get lots of lady biker pics!

    Todd McCann

  4. Can’t wait to see the collage! My daughter & granddaughter are excited to see it too…WOOHOO!!

  5. Great post. I have had the same reaction. Like, “what do you think I’m supposed to look like? Don’t try fit me into your little neat categories.” Ha ha.

  6. I’m gonna send you mine here in a little bit. I’ll send two, you pick the one that’s most appropriate for your project. I can’t decide. LOL

  7. Well I don’t have too many action shots of me as I’m a much more solo rider but I did do one ride report back in 2009 less than 3 months after I began riding full-time.
    There’s quite a few pictures of me and my first bike (I now have a 2008 Suzuki V-Strom) but it brings back some very fond memories (including more than my share of Oopsies! [I like taking pictures of when I fall lol]). I’ve been looking to do another ling trip but the stars haven’t aligned themselves in quite a while…. 🙁

  8. i love this idea. i have only had my bike and now lic for 2 months. i dont consider myself a rider yet but people think its funny when i tell them i own a bike. i’m also a train engineer. at 4’11” i get alot of looks when i say i do either. don’t have any pics but i can’t wait to see what you come up with!

  9. haha, wow. I think the other really telling part about this is how many different people get this same exact comment. It almost seems like it may be that only a minority of bikers actually look like a “biker” and I guess the rest of us just like to ride motorcycles 🙂

  10. I am 59 and just learning to ride a motorcycle. I purchased a 1990 Honda Pacific Coast 800 and I love it! I posted a Youtube video showing me doing slow turns in a parking lot.

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