What’s wrong with this picture? I’ll tell you. There’s a few centimeters of my vertebral artery missing! I ended up with some images from the initial MRA when I went into the ER with a migraine that show the dissected vertebral artery.
Our brains usually have a some-what mirrored image of itself … except for mine … at least for now. (In case you missed how this happened check out this post!)
What’s wrong with this picture?

Here’s a Picture of How I am Doing
Things are going okay for me, I still have a headache on and off most days. Definite down grade from the migraine. I end up doing things I’m not suppose to and then pay for it with a headache. Sometimes it is easy to figure out what I did to cause it and other times I’m clueless.
I’m off all drugs (narcotics and the like), but I still take Warfarin (anticoagulant) to prevent clots and to stave off having a stroke. Still on the 90 day count down which they say is the most vulnerable time for me, but I’ll continue taking it until I see the neurologist in July.
I go in weekly to have my INR levels checked. The goal is to keep it between two and three. Me? I fluctuate between 1.6 and 3.7 with no change in my diet or meds. My poor nurse is up in arms on why I’m not stable. Goes to show she doesn’t know me. LOL
My poor hubby has been run ragged trying to do all the snow removal, heavy lifting, and so much more. What a guy. I love him very much.
And then there is my sister in the mist of her fight against ovarian cancer. There is still a way to go to defeat the cancer in her body. I’m so thankful for all the family and friends that have given, but there’s still a bit to go. Check out my GoFundMe page I started for her. Every little bit helps.
P.S. Ladies, I’m still taking stories for Profile of a Female Motorcyclist.
9 Responses
I think I need to get back to the basics in my life and not complicate things like I tend to do. Your post has helped me figure this out. There are so many real issues to be worried about so don’t get tripped up by the small stuff. I wish you and your sister my best and will send out positive vibes your way.
Thank you so much! And I wish you well on your journey as well!!
Hang in there, buddy. Life is a struggle at times but hopefully it will get easier for you.
I’m with TwoTireTirade … you’ve reminded me to stop and be thankful. Thinking of you and your sister!
be thankful that it happened now and that you are aware of your limitations. It could have been worse. I would not like to think of this happening whilst riding your bike in the middle of nowhere.
as all of us age, we can be thankful for each new day. Always thinking of you . . .
Riding the Wet Coast
Pam it is amazing what your body can do, you have such a great outlook. My thoughts are with both you and your sister.