Are the Stars Aligned?

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

Are the stars aligned? This past Sunday it seemed that the stars and the planets aligned for me to finally take the motorcycle for a ride! My heart was racing I was so excited! It had been far too long since I rode, mostly because of the weather.

Minnesota has been experiencing 80-90 degree weather with humidity to match, along with severe storms. My gear is so hot and heavy I felt it could be dangerous during those heat waves.

Are the Stars Aligned?

BUT that all changed on Sunday. The temperature and humidity finally dropped! I had all the gear on, did the pre-ride check of the bike. Got on, put the key in, adjusted the choke, flipped the red switch, and pushed the start button. “Va-room!” is what I was hoping to hear.

Instead I heard “click, click, click.” What?! I got off the bike and check to make sure the fuel line was open again. Tried again. Nothing. My heart went from racing to broken. No ride today. Sad face.

Are the Stars Aligned?
Minnesota has two seasons: winter & road construction!

My hubby was working and unavailable to talk to, so I Twittered about it. I suspected a dead battery. Within a few minutes one of my Twitter friends confirmed that’s the most likely problem.

I also learned that when motorcycles sit for a while they can lose their charge. {Note to self: if you’re not riding regularly start the bike occasionally to keep the battery charged.}

The good news is hubby jump started the cycle and took it out for a ride to charge the battery! I love my hubby!! If all goes as I hope I should be back out on the roads this week.

Except for all the roads around me under construction and down to the gravel base … which presents a whole new set of challenges! I will find a way!

Here’s a glimpse of what my neighborhood looks like! Bars up, rubber down! Ride safe friends.


Thank you for stopping by to read, Are the Stars Aligned? Ladies, whether you are looking to start riding solo, a casual motorcyclist, a seasoned rider, or enjoying riding pillion you are all welcome to join in the Helmet or Heels community. I would love to share your story of motorcycling no matter where you are on the journey. It will inspire other women along the way.

Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels, Pinterest @helmetorheels or Twitter @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!

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8 Responses

  1. If you’re going to be leaving the bike for long periods (and shame on you if you do), then invest in an intelligent battery charger. Bikes have very small batteries compared to cars, and left alone the charge will only last a few weeks – less if you have alarms or computers in the system. In the UK we have a brand called Optimate – there will surely be something similar in the US. Leave it hooked up to the bike’s battery permanently, then when you want to go for a ride, the bike is good to go. Make sure you get one that is designed to be left on for months if necessary – an ordinary charger will fry the battery eventually. This is better for the bike than starting it up every week without properly warming it up and using it.

    You can make this easier by attaching a plug to the battery that hangs loose somewhere, so you can hook up without any dismantling. You could get your hubby to do it, but I’m sure you are more than capable …

  2. Heels:

    my bike is always plugged in, winter or summer, whenever it is parked. It is called a battery maintainer and a quick disconnect plug is attached to the battery and “sticks” out . It keeps the battery fully charged at all times. Any bike store should have a battery tender/maintainer. It will make your battery last years longer than without one.

    sorry about your not riding but perhaps someone should show you how to “jump” start your bike. It is something you should learn to do anyway. It’s part of the riding experience.

    Wet Coast Scootin

  3. I wouldn’t disagree with Bobscoot, but I don’t find it necessary to leave the bike plugged into the charger unless I am going to be away for a couple of weeks or more. If I ride every few days (I usually ride every day, rain or shine) then that keeps the battery topped up enough. Those chargers are really for the people who leave their bikes with an alarm set (and drinking juice) for the whole of the winter.

    Learning a few basic things like jump starting is a good idea anyway.

  4. So, the next time you have a dead battery, you’ll just take off running while you push the bike, hop on when you get enough speed, pull the clutch, put it in gear, and pop the clutch. Right?

    I’m going to ask again, and I’m going to ask nicely. Please get out the video camera. 😉

  5. Mr. McCann if you purchase a video camera, say a HD Flip for me, I’d be more than happy to allow for film.

    By the way you must have some famous relatives. There is a street in the next town over named McCann Road.

  6. I use “Battery Tender” brand, and have been happy with it. One for my bike, one for my wife’s. I don’t bother plugging mine in in the riding season since I ride every week if not every day. But in the winter, or if I’m going to be away from the bike for a while, I’ll plug it in. It has intelligent circuitry that keeps it from over-charging the battery, whereas a traditional charger will damage the battery if left on too long.

    Also, there is a little wiring harness that attaches to the battery, and tucks behind the side cover when not in use, that plugs into the tender. It’s much easier — you don’t have to take the battery out to hook it up to the charger. Pull the harness out when parked and charging, and tuck it away when you’re ready to ride.

  7. Oh, I remember that feeling! Used to happen to me every year…

    I got really good at taking the seat off, jumpstarting the battery from the car, and then having to rebuild the bike before it overheated and stalled again. Never got the hang of jumpstarting…

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