If you want to know what all the noise was last night …

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

In case you heard angels singing and trumpets blaring last night it was heaven rejoicing with me because I was able to ride the motorcycle!! If you want to know what all the noise was last night. Talk about pee in your pants excitement!

If you want to know what all the noise was last night

If you want to know what all the noise was last night …

The motorcycle was a little reluctant to start, but finally turned over. I had butterflies I was so excited about getting out again. I negiotated through the road construction on the gravel slowly and kept the bike upright!

Remember my last encounter with gravel I was not so lucky. When I got out to the county road I opened it up and sailed down the road. The weather was clear. The only thing I had to be aware of were the wind gusts.

Those had me holding on tight and occasionally leaning to stay upright. Makes for a good core work out. Let’s just say in the end it felt really great.

I am very thankful to have gotten out because today’s weather forcast brings more severe storms to Minnesota. I heard on the radio that Minnesota has had more tornados this year than Texas! How is that possible? I am so looking forward to fall with cooler calmer weather that is better for riding.

If there is a window of clear weather tonight guess what I’m going to do? Ride safe friends!

@HelmetorHeels blogger Pam

Ladies, whether you are looking to start riding solo, a casual motorcyclist, a seasoned rider, or enjoying riding pillion you are all welcome to join in the Helmet or Heels community. I would love to share your story of motorcycling no matter where you are on the journey. It will inspire other women along the way.

Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels, Pinterest @helmetorheels or Twitter @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!

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