This past weekend was filled with lots of activity. I made this little guy.

He has quite the personality for a crocheted frog!
Switching Motorcycles
The best part of the weekend is when hubby pulled the bikes out of the garage on Sunday for what maybe the last ride of the season! We headed out the back roads, found some twisties, and stop for a couple of Turkey Reuben sandwiches. It was glorious.
On our way home we stopped at the grocery store to pick-up a few things and that’s when it happened. Hubby and I switched motorcycles!

It is the first time I rode his bike. It was suggested by Lori aka Beemergirl when we met (check out her profile here) that I try riding his motorcycle. I never much thought about trading, but hubby suggested it on the way out of the store.
We took the long way home with me in the lead. What an experience! It’s the same bike as mine only a couple of years younger, but did it handled a bit different than mine.
Let’s just say I turned a corner and was up to 80+ mph in a short distance. And then immediately slowed to the speed limit. >wink-wink< Would I ride it again. You betcha! Switching motorcycles was fun.
What did you do this past weekend?

I am so glad you stopped by today! I started this blog to document my journey into motorcycling and along the way I met so many other lady riders with inspiring stories to tell I began to share theirs as well.
About the same time I started this blog I joined Twitter (@helmetorheels) and began to meet other female motorcycle riders. These ladies were so inspiring to me because I found other newbies like me to life-long experienced riders who were willing to share encouragement, tips, and their friendship. I was welcomed where I was on my journey. What an incredible community I found online to fuel my desire to ride.
Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels and Pinterest @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!
12 Responses
Hi Pam! Firstly, you are an artist! Froggy is cute…did you just create him that fast? I have never thought of switching rides with Jim…my feet woudn’t even touch the ground!
I am so glad you had the chance to go out for a ride yesterday! Jim and I are leaving in about an hour for the day on our bikes… have an amazing day.
Thank you for the kind words. Enjoy your ride today! Days we can still ride this season are becoming far and few!
LOL!!! I’m so happy you were able to get out for a ride. And I’m tickled that you two actually switched bikes. Isn’t it amazing what a couple years a slightly different setups can do to the handling? What did hubby think of yours? Would he ride yours again? 😉
Froggy is adorable! I couldn’t crochet to save my life. So I love to see other people’s work. Good job!
Lori – I’m pretty sure he would ride mine again! Plus if we get out again his bike has heated handles. Another good reason to switch up in this cool weather!!
Great that you switched bikes. I’m not sure I could be trusted to ride the bike of another. I would be afraid of putting a scratch on it. I don’t even do demo rides
I like Froggy too
Riding the Wet Coast
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Bob – I was surprised he was willing to switch seeing I’ve let my bike fall over twice. On the up side he is getting really good at replacing my left turn signal.
Oooh switching bikes. I haven’t ventured that yet. Hubby keeps asking me if I want to ride Lucy but it is so big and heavy that I haven’t tried it yet. Yep, I’m chicken. I am glad you like the change up though.
Love your crochet frog. Makes me think of Kathy – aka ToadMama.
Trobairitz – seeing how we have pretty much the same bike it wasn’t hard!
Wonder how Kathy aka ToadMama got her name!
Cool post anyone can actually learn a lot. Thanks!
Love the froggy! Switching is not an option for us as my hubby doesn’t ride motorcycles. I use his maxi scooter on occasion though.
I love frogs! I did lots of needlework before I moved to Florida. We rode to Daytona Beach for Biketoberfest and stayed Thur-Sun at Daytona 200 M.C. campground. Met lots of interesting folks. Fun weekend!
I love froggy too! Will you be adding more amphibians? Toads are cute too! 🙂