Oh, we are off and running with another profile of a female motorcyclist! Today I’d like to introduce Brandy, a.k.a. Trobairitz from Corvallis, Oregon. Rider and very active blogger over here at Trobairitz’ Tablet, a must follow. Brandy posts lots of photos of her adventures too.
Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Brandy
How long have you been riding a motorcycle? Technically, 10 years, but realistically three. I got my motorcycle endorsement in 2002 but didn’t ride my own bike until 2009.
How did you learn to ride? Riding pillion for thousands of miles taught me a lot, then hubby taught me some basics on his Kawasaki KZ900 to prepare me for when I took the Team Oregon Basic Riders Training Program.
What was your first motorcycle? 2007 Honda Nighthawk 250
How many have you owned? 4
Why did you want to ride a motorcycle? My mom always enjoyed riding motorcycles and I and remember riding pillion behind her on her trail bike in about grade 5. When I met hubby he was into motorcycles, although didn’t own one at the time. It was always one of my goals to learn to ride. Kind of a bucket list item.
Tell us about your riding. Pleasure and vacation, weekend warrior, rarely commuting as it is only 3 miles.
What advice do you have for women who ride or want to ride a motorcycle? If it is something you want to do, go for it. Take a professional training course and enjoy yourself. In the words of a wise Troubadour, “What would you do if you weren’t scared?” And don’t let anyone sway you on what kind of bike to ride. If you like a certain brand or type of motorcycle (i.e. cruiser, sport bike, dual sport) ride it. Starting with a smaller bike though will help build your skill level and in turn your confidence. It is easier to step up than to harm yourself or someone else and step back.
What is the longest trip that you’ve taken on your motorcycle? A 500 mile overnight moto-camping trip to Crater Lake last year. This years IMBC (International Moto-Bloggers Convention in July) will blow that out of the water – almost in one day.

Do you belong to any motorcycle groups? Not officially. I don’t understand the herd mentality and prefer just riding with a few friends. We have a few riding friends who meet for coffee every Saturday when they are available and suits me just fine, but it isn’t a group, or club, or that type of thing. I do however belong to the Suzuki Gladius forum online for tips and general information.
Do you have a favorite riding story? Riding up the Santiam Pass in the Cascade Mountains in 2010 on my Suzuki TU 250, leaned over in a full tuck with the throttle wide open trying to pass a Toyota Prius up hill. It took two tries and hubby still thinks they backed off in sympathy, but it is a funny story that will always stay with me. Every time I think of it, it makes me chuckle and appreciate the power of my 650 V-twin.
What do you do when you’re not riding? I am a legal assistant/office manager for an defense attorney by day and in the evenings and on weekends (when not riding) I enjoy hanging out with my husband of 16 years, gardening, home renovations, hiking, canoeing, cross stitching, blogging, trying new recipes, playing the in-and-out game with our cat basil, and amateur photography. It is difficult to balance other hobbies with riding.
Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Brandy what a wonderful example of a woman going from pillion to motorcyclist! She had a motorcyclist license for years before riding solo. You can do both!
11 Responses
Yikes. My name in lights……
I’d like to thank the Academy…..seriously though, I would like to thank Pam. I think that you are doing a great service by highlighting us lady riders. Together we can blow any stereotypes out of the water.
I’m having so much fun putting these together! I have a few more in the queue, but will take as many as ladies’ are willing to submit!
Your acceptance speech was lovely! Now if I only had a little motorcycle statue to give you it would be perfect! I have been following Brandy’s blog for a year now and love reading of her adventures with her hubby and their Alpha cat Basil.
I’ve added Brandy’s blog to my Google Reader! I think I need to get some awards ready for these ladies! LOL
I’m loving this series you’ve been doing. It’s fun to meet so many like-minded ladies. 🙂
Toadmama do you ride too? Care to join in on the fun?
I do. Ride, that is. Count me in!
I am totally enjoying these profiles. I agree with Brandy, we are blowing out the stereotypes!! YEA! Also it’s nice to meet other bloggers and see their awesome sites!
Very nice interview Trobairitz. A glimpse of the woman behind the avatar. Thanks for posting the link on your blog.
Great profile Brandy! This is really nice of Pam to get us girls out in the spotlight! Love your story! Ride Safe friend!!!