Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Elizabeth – Liz

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

We have been around the world with the profiles of female motorcyclists. Today, we have another first – both mother and daughter motorcyclists have been profiled! Sarah (daughter) was profiled on May 16, 2012 and today we have Elizabeth (Liz, mom) also from Sacramento, CA sharing her story.

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Elizabeth - Liz - and daughter
Liz and Sarah

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Elizabeth (Liz)

How long have you been riding?

Since I was 17. At first it was a practical solution to transportation … just kinda taught myself on a Honda 90, rode it for about 2 years. Didn’t actually ride a “real street bike” until I turned 50 … been enjoying the unique freedom of riding my own bike for about 4 years now.

How did you learn to ride?

I was a pillion for years, enjoying “my knees in the air”, then I watched my daughter Sarah ride her own bike, first on the dirt, then she took the MSF class, so I pretty much followed her steps. My husband coached both us via our radio communication.

What was your first motorcycle?

Honda 90

How many have you owned?

Honda 90, various dirt bikes … then GS500, then V-Strom 650 and now the Ninja 650 (three street bikes).

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Elizabeth -Liz- - hugging a turn
Liz riding!

Why did you want to ride a motorcycle? 

To have a much fun as my daughter Sarah was having!

Tell us about your motorcycle riding.

I mostly ride for pleasure and several vacations have been based on riding. The annual ride with all girls has been some of the most fun!

What advice do you have for women who ride or want to ride a motorcycle? 

You aren’t too old to have fun! If you love being outside, traveling, but don’t want to ride in a car … start riding! It is the perfect way to get from one beautiful location to another! 

Our friend Donna (@Demenshea) has been an inspiration to me. She is able to go on adventures, take beautiful pictures and share it all with us.

I would also encourage other women to pick out their own bike! Sit on different ones, pick one that you can comfortably put your feet on the ground and it doesn’t feel “top-heavy”. That was my frustration with the V-Strom. I didn’t feel comfortable. Now with the Ninja, I am having so much fun!

What is the longest trip that you’ve taken on your motorcycle? 

No sure, might have been the trip north to Washington and home through eastern Oregon, or the trip with the girls, south to Cambria and home.

Do you belong to any motorcycle groups?

My family is kinda my “group”…  nothing online

Do you have a favorite riding story? 

Not really an exciting story, but for me a real confidence builder, was when we had spent the day riding with a large group. While taking a break along I-5, one of our party called home and said it was raining there (about 50 miles north). Wow! It really was pouring … I just kept calm and remembered all I had been taught.

What do you do when you’re not riding?

Reading, origami, knitting, gardening … adoring my daughters and granddaughters!


Ladies, whether you are looking to start riding solo, a casual motorcyclist, a seasoned rider, or enjoying riding pillion you are all welcome to join in the Helmet or Heels community. I would love to share your story of motorcycling no matter where you are on the journey. It will inspire other women along the way.

Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels, Pinterest @helmetorheels or Twitter @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!

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12 Responses

  1. So glad that Liz responded to your questions, Pam. She is a great friend and crazy lady whose company I totally enjoy! Thanks for the kind words about my travels, Liz and you are totally correct, you are never too OLD to begin doing something you have a passion for pursuing.

  2. My mom, the can-do force of nature. I’m so glad we get to ride together! She’s quite a natural talent and just all around great company on a ride. Thanks, Pam!

  3. Helllloooo Liz. A family that rides together stays together. It is awesome your family is into riding. The love and support just makes it better. Now you just need to start a blog so we can follow along on your adventures.

  4. Great to see Liz profiled here. She is an awesome person and great rider. Put Liz and Sarah together and the room lights up.

  5. Liz I love that you and your daughter ride together! My is turning 15 soon and wants to get her license when she is 16. I have a lot of saving to do for a MSF course and gear! You are right you are never too old, just get out and try it and enjoy it!

  6. I have enjoyed riding with Liz and Sarah on the Girly Rides. They do light up a room…or an outdoor patio!

  7. I love it when family members ride together, what an amazing experience to share. Wish my mum could join me. Happy riding to you both.

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