‘Tis the Season to Start Motorcycling Again!

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

Season to start Motorcycling - Motorcycles parked covered in snow
Motorcycling isn’t happening today!

Season to Start Motorcycling

Well Minnesota is starting to defrost after a long, cold, snowy winter … did I mention it has been a long, cold, snowy winter?! Seriously, it was one for the record books with so many days below zero. 53 to be exact.

Will the season to start motorcycling happen?

This past week the thermometer was creeping up to 40 F (4.4 C) and that meant motorcycles were hitting the streets. Many potholes, some wet, others salt and sand covered streets. Just this week I looked out my front window to see a man on a motorcycle with a woman riding pillion. Bundled up, but they got a ride in!

It is also a time to remind ALL drivers/riders to pay attention to the road and what and who is around them. It is not a time to text or do anything else that would distract you from driving. A friend shared this video on Facebook and the story moved me to share it with you.

The Consequence of Driving Distracted

In this story someone lost a son, husband, grandfather, friend, coworker and more just because they had to text. Another was left seriously injured. Let’s promise each other we will not text or do any other distracting thing while driving and encourage others to do the same.

I promise. Do you?

Spread the word:

9 Responses

  1. My phone never leaves my purse when I’m driving. I don’t understand what is so important that people would risk losing their lives or taking another’s life just to text/talk.

    I love not having a smart phone in that I am not tied to my cell and rarely even think to check to see if someone has called.

  2. Good advice, both against distracted driving and about road-conditions this time of year. I went down on wet sand two weeks ago and the consequences of that suck.

    1. Shybiker – My heart skips a beat when I hear about a friend going down, but so glad to hear you and your motorcycle are on the mend!

      It gets really dangerous around here in the spring until a couple of heavy downpours clean up the streets.

  3. When I’m driving my cell is in my backpack, and my backpack is on my back seat. So I won’t be able to reach it. On my bike… cell phones are an absolute no go.
    I can’t believe that the lady in that video is still able to produce a smile… what a strong woman.

  4. I leave my phone in my purse which us usually in the back seat. Everyone in my family has a distinctive ring tone and I can judge by that whether I need to pull over & deal with and when I do pull over I turn off the ignition.

    Last year I spoke on our local radio with 2 other motorcyclists about our view of distracted driving and how it impacts motorcyclists. It is considered the new drunk driving and the pity is that every death and accident are preventable and never should have happened. I will never understand peoples reasoning and excuses.

  5. I’m afraid I can’t bring myself to watch the video right now, but I so appreciate the reminder! I wonder if the girl who hit me was texting ???
    The warmer temps surely did bring out the bikes!

  6. I only ride my motorcycle, so no, I don’t text and drive. I occasionally will drive my hubs pick up truck, but I use my bluetooth to talk, even to command my phone, without taking my eyes off the road or hands off the wheel. You know, you can text without looking at or touching the phone with one of those! 🙂
    I promise!

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