Guess Who Came to Visit?

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

My brother-in-law drove to Minnesota for a business and guess who we found as a stow-away … my sister Peggy!!

Guess who - Me and my sister Peggy!!
Me and my sister Peggy!!

Since Peggy’s diagnosis and my dissected vertebral artery we haven’t seen each other in a forever!!! What a wonderful surprise to have a visit from my sister and brother-in-law.

Peggy still has an inoperable cancer tumor, but her attitude is outstanding. She will be in town for a few days and is going with me back to the neurologist on Tuesday. I’m hoping for a good report … like back to riding my motorcycle, off the rat poison, I mean Warfarin (yes, it is the same chemicals found in rat poison), and back to exercising. Bottom line, I’m hoping to return to life pre-dissection. Fun will be had by all.

Back to my sister, Peggy. I’m still looking for help off-set expenses from ovarian cancer. Check out my the GoFundMe page for Peggy Thank you friends for any help you can give! xoxoxo

UPDATE: My sister passed away September 2016.

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